Custom Solution Controls Medical Device Manufacturer’s Et0 Levels

Elkridge, Maryland

Indoor Air Quality
Camcleaner Camfil Cylinder System
Air Scrubbers

Medical device manufacturing presents many challenges. For one, the packaging process can often release Ethylene Oxide (EtO) – a flammable, colorless gas. At high levels, EtO can have negative health effects and even cause cancer. To provide an accurate solution to this problem, we conducted a study to determine the concentration levels of EtO throughout the facility.

The results of this study allowed Camfil and Bost & Filtrex engineers to calculate the correct Air Change Rate to reduce EtO levels well below acceptable EPA limits. With this knowledge, we provided our client with a customized Camcleaner Cylinder System from Camfil equipped with specialized carbon filters for EtO removal.

We also installed 12 air scrubbers throughout the facility in primary packaging areas to provide an added layer of protection. Our team has been maintaining the system since 2015 to ensure employee safety.